Revenue Generating Task Force (2017)
The Revenue Generation Task Force will serve as a resource to gather and evaluate revenue opportunities for the District.
The group was comprised of 27 members from the community, selected by application process similar to the Bond Oversight Committee (Board of Trustees selects).
The purpose of the Revenue Generation Task Force was to:
- Research and generate ideas for additional revenue opportunities for the District
- Provide feedback to Board and Administration, which will be useful in preparing future year’s budgets
Task Force Members:
John Abraham
Kim Allen
Matt Badowski
Cassie Bale
Blake Billman
Patrick Burns
Meiching Chou
Tim Coffey
Susanne Denby
Cara Fox
Ashish Gadnis
Ira Gerstein
Elisa Huang
Ari Kahn
Gaylen Kimbell
Mathew King
Bryan Lawhon
Liwu Li
Holly McCormic
Jason Paull
Jennifer Saltsman
Jennifer Sloan
Gena Tabery
Lain Tester
Sumitha Tharasingh
Gabe Thornhill
Alan Waker