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Eanes ISD

Community Dialogues (2012)

May 2012

The Eanes community organized a grassroots initiative that brought together all members of our community. The goal of the initiative was to help ensure a promising future for our children by identifying those priorities we believe are most important to help students succeed in the 21st century.

This conversation involved a series of four dialogues and called on parents, students, teachers, school district administration, business leaders, retired individuals and empty nesters to participate. Each person's voice is valuable because everyone’s contribution is essential to a vibrant and enriched community. These dialogues captured the ideas, desires and dreams of our community and translated them into priorities with the purpose of guiding leadership into the future.

Please see below for the Final Report and how Eanes ISD is incorporating outcomes from the Dialogues into its planning.

See the Facilities Master Plan for the next steps.