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Eanes ISD

2020 Educator of the Year

Every year educator at each school nominate a fellow educator as the educator of the year. From those educators a committee is formed to select the District educator of the year.

BPE's Tracie Mojica Named 2020 District Educator of the Year

Tracie Mojica

Tracie began her teaching career in Eanes ISD 18 years ago at Bridge Point Elementary, and that’s where she has stayed. Currently Tracie teaches 5th grade but she has also taught 3rd and 4th grade at BPE.
Her passion for teaching and for the well-being of her students is evidenced by her relentless dedication to truly knowing her students and investing in them 100%. She is a master at building relationships and bringing out the best qualities in everyone. Tracie doesn't need a scripted lesson plan to teach a lesson; her creativity shines in the classroom as she comes up with meaningful lessons that the kids enjoy.

Tracie loves her students, parents and her job with a passion. She has been a light to be around for all in her presence.

2020 Campus Educators of the Year