2018 Educator of the Year
Every year educator at each school nominate a fellow educator as the educator of the year. From those educators a committee is formed to select the District educator of the year.
EE's Maci Shannon Named 2018 District Educator of the Year
Eanes Elementary third grade teacher Maci Shannon was named Eanes ISD Educator of the Year at tonight's Employee Recognition and Retiree dinner.
Mrs. Shannon has been teaching 13 years, the past five in Eanes ISD. During her time at Eanes Elementary, she has served in a variety of vital roles including team leader, Central Texas Writing Project Mentor, District third grade math and social studies leader, and she has served on the Digital Learning Task Force, League of Innovators, and Campus Leadership Team.
Ms. Shannon exudes grace, poise, and confidence, innovatively meeting the needs of all of her students each and every year. She is known as a lead learner in the area of seamless technology integration to skillfully use technology devices as creation stations versus avenues for app exploration only. Mrs. Shannon is a phenomenal leader, humble to the core. She is thoughtful, creative, and kind, and a wonderful asset to Eanes Elementary and Eanes ISD.
The nine campus winners participated in an interview process to select the 2018 District Educator of the Year. The Westlake Rotary Club sponsors the award and Rotary members serve on the District selection committee. The Westlake Rotary Club will recognize all nine Educators of the Year at a Rotary meeting held May 11, 2018.
2018 Campus Educators of the Year
- Barton Creek Elementary – Andrea Hughes, Speech Pathologist
- Bridge Point Elementary School – Dawn Skonieczny, Kindergarten Teacher
- Cedar Creek Elementary School – Amy Tillman, Instructional Partner
- Forest Trail Elementary – Mallory Brightwell, First Grade Teacher
- Valley View Elementary – Pam Alden, First Grade Teacher
- Hill Country Middle School – Sheeba Arthur, Algebra/Geometry Teacher
- West Ridge Middle School – Julie Moore, Texas History Teacher
- Westlake High School – Valerie Taylor, Instructional Partner/English Teacher