Special Transportation Safety
If your child receives special transportation, services begin in three to five days as outlined in the IEP. Please review your copy of the ARD committee proceedings for your information. If further information is required, please call the transportation department at 512-732-9050 and press option 1 to speak with Dispatcher.
Parent Responsibilities
- Have your child fully clothed, toileted, and ready at the bus stop five minutes before pick-up time.
- Accompany your child to the curb.
- Notify the transportation department, on a daily basis, when your child will not be transported.
- Notify the school in advance if your address, phone number, or child care arrangements change.
- If wait time exceeds 3 minutes, driver is instructed to proceed.
- Meet your child at the curb so that the driver can make custodial transfer of your child to you or another responsible person if cleared with Transportation Dept. in advance.
- Students who are not met will be returned to the school unless other arrangements have been made with the Transportation office.
- Teach your child the school bus safety rules and appropriate bus riding behavior.
- We expect all students to follow the bus safety rules for the safety of your child and others who ride the bus.
School Bus Driver Responsibilities
School bus drivers are professional drivers, commercially licensed with special training. They are employees of the school district.- They are responsible for driving the bus safely, transporting the students, and staying on time.
- If there is not a bus monitor, the bus driver performs the bus monitor's duties.
Bus Monitor Responsibilities
- School bus monitors assist the drivers by ensuring that all students are safe on the bus.
- They secure seat belts, wheelchairs, necessary supports, etc.
- They maintain discipline on the bus. They see that students stay in their seats, and report problems to the schools.
- They seek emergency medical help when needed.
- Bus monitors are provided where they are most needed.