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Eanes ISD

Emergency Planning

Eanes ISD takes the safety of all students, staff and visitors to our campuses very seriously. In the event of an emergency, our district has two goals:

  1. To keep our students, staff and visitors safe
  2. To keep parents and the community informed with timely and accurate information


Safety Steps
Here are some of the procedures we have in place to keep our students safe:

  • Evacuation, fire and lockdown drills are conducted throughout the school year. Several of these emergency drills include first responders so they can become familiar with the campuses.
  • Every campus has an emergency response plan in connection with our local police, fire and medical services and other responding agencies.
  • Our campuses have secured entryways to manage traffic and access controls and video surveillance.
  • Campus staff have been trained in our emergency response procedures and they are reviewed annually.
  • All visitors on campus must check in, provide ID, be screened and wear a visitor badge.

The district communicates with parents in the following ways during an emergency:


Student-Parent Reunification Process
If an emergency occurs that requires students to be removed from a campus, they will be taken to an alternate safe location. The location will be contingent on law enforcement directives, type of emergency event and the ability for buses to navigate to the location. Parents will be notified of the alternate location and given instructions about picking up their child.

Remember, students can only be released to a parent, legal guardian, or an adult who is listed as an emergency contact on school records, so be sure to keep that list updated Skyward Family Access. Anyone attempting to pick up a student must show proper photo identification.

How Parents Can Help
Planning and communicating with your family ahead of time can help prepare for an emergency.

  • Be sure your email and phone numbers are up to date in Skyward Family Access. A link to Skyward is located under “Quick Links” on and on each campus homepage.
  • Be sure to update the contact information for the people who have your permission to pick your children up from school. The information can be updated in Skyward at any time.
  • Talk to your child about these procedures and let them know that the school has a plan to keep them safe.



Chief of Police


Police Lieutenant


Administrative Assistant
Standard Response Protocol