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Eanes ISD


Purchasing Director

(512) 732-9036

Conflict of Interest Disclosures

Texas Ethics Commission Forms

Local Government Officers Conflict Disclosure Statements

Local Government Officers - No Conflicts Reported

Arnett, Jeff, Dr.
None Reported

Bacon, Erika
West Ridge MS, Principal
None Reported

Balthazar, Ellen
Board of Trustees
None Reported

Benitez, Jose Alfredo
Director of Educational Technology
None Reported

Bolek, Brian
Maintenance & Operations, Director
None Reported

Bratton, Katy
Hill Country MS, Choir Director
None Reported

Bryant, Sheri
Bridge Point ES, Principal
None Reported

Burnett, Chad
Curriculum & Instruction, Executive Director
None Reported

Buthe, Michael
Forest Trail ES, Assistant Principal
None Reported

Coaxum, Laura
Cedar Creek ES, Principal
None Reported

Cooley, Paul
Westlake HS, Assistant Principal
None Reported

Crawford, Sherry
Westlake HS, Assistant Principal
None Reported

Dawson, Kara
West Ridge MS, Assistant Principal
None Reported

Dewrell, Kimberly
Hill Country MS, Principal
None Reported

Dusek, Jennifer
Barton Creek ES, Principal
None Reported

Ellis, Tres
Hill Country MS, Assistant Principal
None Reported

Gaddis, Haley
Westlake HS, Assistant Athletic Director
None Reported

Hern, Diane
Board of Trustees
None Reported

Key, Allison
Curriculum & Instruction, Director of Student Support Services
None Reported

Lee, Laurie
Chief Human Resources Officer
None Reported

Mallard, Richard
Child Nutrition, Director
None Reported

May, Molly
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
None Reported

McMath, Kim
Board of Trustees
None Reported

McWhorter, Claudia
Communication, Chief Communications Officer
None Reported 

Nokes, James Callan
Westlake HS, Athletic Director
None Reported

Poole, David
Westlake Community PAC, Director
None Reported

Ramsey, Steve
Westlake HS, Principal
None Reported 

Reid, Holly
Cedar Creek ES, Assistant Principal
None Reported

Rockstead, Maria
Business Services, Director of Finance
None Reported

Ryan, Casey
Westlake HS, Assistant Principal
None Reported

Ryan, Lesley
Eanes ES, Principal
None Reported

Sailors, Kristy
Assistant Superintendent of Operations & Technology
None Reported

Scott, Christopher
Business Services, Chief Financial Officer
None Reported

Sheffield, Heather
Board of Trustees
None Reported

Shippey, Bryan
Westlake HS, Assistant Principal
None Reported

Smoland, Brandis
Valley View ES, Principal
None Reported

Webb, Erin
Barton Creek ES, Assistant Principal
None Reported

Winter, Cassie
Hill Country MS, Assistant Principal
None Reported

Zemo, Matt
Special Education, Director
None Reported