Compliments & Complaints
The Eanes ISD Police Department (EISD PD) is committed to providing exemplary service in a respectful, fair, and compassionate manner. The EISD PD expects all officers to remain courteous and professional while observing the rights of all citizens, as they perform their duties.
How to Send a Compliment
If you believe an officer has performed exceptionally well, or you would just like to thank them for their service, we would love to hear from you. Our officers work hard every day to have a positive impact on people and any compliments they receive will be shared with them and placed in their personnel file. Please email any compliments, kudos, or thank yous to the Chief of Police, Matthew Greer, at
How to File a Complaint
If a citizen believes an officer or an employee has engaged in misconduct, they have the right to file a complaint. It is the policy of the department that, dependent upon the circumstances and information provided, the Eanes ISD Police Department will investigate all complaints against the department or its employees. This ensures the integrity of the department while protecting the rights and interests of both citizens and department personnel.
Informal complaints can be made by contacting Matthew Greer, Chief of Police, at
Formal complaints against a Eanes ISD police officer must be submitted in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. The submitted complaint must be on this complaint form.
Texas Government Code, Title 6, Chapter 614.022. COMPLAINT TO BE IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY COMPLAINANT states that for the complaint to be considered by the head of a state agency or by the head of a fire department or local law enforcement agency, the complaint must be:
- In writing; and
- Signed by the person making the complaint.
Formal complaints may be filed by a mailed letter, in person, or by sending a signed and scanned letter to the Chief of Police at
The department does not accept complaints later than 30 days after the alleged occurrence, except when:
- The complaint is criminal activity. The criminal statute of limitations prevails
- The complainant shows good cause for not making the complaint earlier
To file a written complaint, mail or deliver to:
Eanes ISD Police Department
4300 Westbank Dr., Unit 2
Austin, TX 78746
The Eanes ISD Police Department will conduct a thorough investigation of your complaint. The investigator will contact witnesses and officers and ask them to give statements. Records and other evidence will also be collected and examined. Unless special circumstances exist, you will be advised in writing of the outcome within 60 days from receipt of the complaint.
A difference of opinion where no misconduct is found or is debatable, for example, a disagreement simply over the validity of a traffic/vehicle code violation or parking complainants, are advised that it is a matter for the Municipal Court to adjudicate. Unless there is a specific allegation of misconduct against a member(s) of the department these complaints will not be investigated.
False Complaints
People who intentionally make false complaints or allegations against police officers violate Chapter 37 of the Texas Penal Code. Texas law provides punishment for an individual adjudged guilty of committing an offense if, with intent to deceive and with knowledge of the statements' meaning, he/she makes a false statement under oath or swears to the truth of a false statement previously made; and, the statement is required or authorized by law to be made under oath.
A person who commits an offense under this section can be charged with offenses ranging from a Class B Misdemeanor to a Felony of the third degree. Punishments can range from confinement of 180 days in jail to 10 years of imprisonment and a fine not to exceed $10,000.
This information is not intended to deter the complainant or any witness, but is provided for informational purposes and to avoid retaliation against police officers or departmental staff.