Estimated Total Costs: $1,580,000
- Replace/update musical instruments, equipment, etc. (ES, MS, WHS)
$28 Million
Includes Fine Arts uniforms, Performing Arts Center lighting, technology, classroom flexible furniture, library renovations, student and staff devices, classroom audio/video, school bus seat belts. More projects and details listed below.
Estimated Total Costs: $1,580,000
Estimated Total Costs: $458,000
Estimated Total Costs: $180,000
Estimated Total Costs: $540,000
Estimated Total Costs: $361,000
Estimated Total Costs: $2,000,000
Estimated Total Costs: $740,000
Estimated Total Costs: $12,599,687
Estimated Total Costs: $5,093,000
Estimated Total Costs: $4,239,000
ATS - Adult Transition Services
BCE - Barton Creek Elementary
BPE - Bridge Point Elementary
CCE - Cedar Creek Elementary
EE - Eanes Elementary
ES - All Elementary Schools
FTE - Forest Trail Elementary
MS - All Middle Schools
VVE - Valley View Elementary
HCMS - Hill Country MS
WHS PAC - Performing Arts Center at Westlake High School
WRMS - West Ridge MS
WHS - Westlake HS
DW - District Wide
Los documentos se encuentran disponible en las oficinas del Edificio Central de la Administración del Distrito Escolar de Eanes en Camp Craft Road, número 601, Austin, Texas 78746. En la red: ( / o al llamar al número de teléfono 512-732-9011.