Aquatics Center*
Estimated Total Cost: $9,958,150
Robotics Expansion
Estimated Total: $2,917,000
$11 Million*
Includes WHS Aquatics Center, WHS Robotics expansion, WHS Wrestling space.
Aquatics Center*
Estimated Total Cost: $9,958,150
Robotics Expansion
Estimated Total: $2,917,000
Wrestling Space
Estimated Cost: $2,300,000
* The Eanes ISD Board agreed to use no more than $4 million of funds from the sale of the Baldwin and River Hills properties to fund construction of new facilities proposed in the bond. The debt to build the aquatics center would not be issued until 1) construction is deemed feasible and 2) necessary permitting and approvals are obtained and 3) the facility's impact on the Maintenance & Operations (M&O) budget would be significantly mitigated or eliminated.
Los documentos se encuentran disponible en las oficinas del Edificio Central de la Administración del Distrito Escolar de Eanes en Camp Craft Road, número 601, Austin, Texas 78746. En la red: ( / o al llamar al número de teléfono 512-732-9011.