Meeting Protocol
The Board of Trustees and the Superintendent participate in various types of board meetings and adhere to policies and regulations as defined by the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Association of School Boards and the laws of the state of Texas. These meetings, with the exception of closed sessions, are open to the public, but are not meetings of the public. The purpose of each meeting is to conduct school district business and to provide the members of the Board an opportunity to discuss issues and exchange information with each other and with the staff. According to Open Meetings law, the Board can deliberate only on listed agenda items.
Advance notice of all Board meetings are distributed to the news media, listed on the district website (, and posted at the front door of the Eanes ISD Don S. Rogers Administration Building, 601 Camp Craft Rd., Austin, Texas 78746. A list of currently scheduled regular Board meetings and notices for other types of Board meetings are available in the Superintendent's Office or can be accessed via the EISD website. Meeting agendas can be obtained at the meeting, from the Superintendent’s Office, or on the district website, .
New Board Meeting Protocols For 2021-22
Meetings will follow strict protocols to ensure the safety of board meeting participants, beginning with the August 10, 2021 meeting.
Capacity Restrictions
Due to the nature of certain topics, board meeting participation by community members can vary greatly. In most cases, the Board Room capacity is sufficient for the number of participants. However, there are occasions where the number of people inside the Board Room and overflowing into the hallways exceeds capacity and safety requirements.
After consultation with the Westlake Fire Marshall, Eanes ISD has identified and set the capacity of the Board Room to 45 non-staff, non-Board Member, audience members. Such accommodations will provide safe and reasonable capacity numbers for a room set up with Board seating, reserved staff seating for those working the meeting and participant chairs.
Board meetings will be livestreamed for those who are unable to attend.
On Board meeting days, the doors to the Board Room will open at 5:30 p.m.
Open Forum
At all Board meetings, the Board designates time to hear individuals who desire to make comments to the Board. Those who wish to speak during the Open Forum portion of the meeting will be required to sign up in advance on the District’s Board Meeting website once the agenda is posted. The deadline to sign up will be noon the day before the Board Meeting.
Each speaker has a time limit of one (1) to three (3) minutes, which will be decided at the Board Meeting by the Presiding Officer in order to accommodate all registered speakers and effectively manage the meeting.
Please note the following guidelines for Open Forum comments:
- Each individual or delegation shall only sign up to speak one time. If multiple sign-ups are submitted by an individual or delegation, the first sign-up will be allowed to speak.
- A submission from a delegation is allowed, but will receive the same time limit as individual comments.
- Anonymous sign-ups will not be accepted.
- No sign-ups will be accepted that are spam or computer/bot-generated (not from an individual or from an email account that returns the email confirmation).
- All Open Forum speakers are expected to comply with conduct expectations at the Board Meeting. Disruptive conduct shall not be permitted at any Eanes ISD Board meeting, nor will any defamatory or abusive remarks be tolerated. In accordance with Board Policy, if, after at least one warning from the presiding officer, any individual continues to disrupt the meeting by his or her words or actions, the presiding officer may request assistance from law enforcement officials to have the individual removed from the meeting.
Please be aware the audio of Open Forum is recorded as part of the recording of the entire meeting and is published on the District's website without alteration. A person who chooses to speak in Open Forum is consenting to the online publication of their comments.
Comments from Open Forum speakers shall be addressed to the Board as a whole and not to specific individuals. Specific factual information and recitation of existing policy may be furnished in response to inquiries, but the Board cannot deliberate regarding any subject that is not included on the agenda.
For more information about Open Forum, please see Board Policy at the following link:
We value our community's input and look forward to working together for a strong, healthy school district! Thank you for your cooperation.