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Eanes ISD


Mission Statement

Empower all students to become emotionally intelligent life-long learners who are resilient, curious, inclusive, and empathic.

Counselor Roles

Eanes ISD students have access to both a school counselor and a school-based therapist on every campus; these mental health professionals collaborate with each other as well as with other professional staff to support overall student wellness, including their academic, career, and social-emotional development. 

School Counselors have experience as teachers, have earned a masters’ degree, and are certified by the state as a school counselor. Elementary schools have one school counselor per campus; middle schools have three school counselors per campus (one counselor per grade level), and the high school has seven school counselors (the student’s counselor is determined by the first letter of their last name). The work of school counselors revolves around ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors and the the four components of the Texas model for a comprehensive school counseling program:

  1. Guidance Curriculum – teaching students various transferable skills through classroom lessons or activities.
  2. Responsive Services – addressing emergent situations that risk academic, personal, or social development; these may be preventative, remedial, or crisis oriented.
  3. Individual Planning – guiding students in developing a personalized plan for their future as well as their personal and social development.
  4. System Support – identifying and coordinating resources on campus and in the community that directly or indirectly support student development.

School-Based Therapists have masters’ degrees and are licensed by a state mental health board; licenses commonly held are for social work (LCSW, LMSW) and licensed professional counselor (LPC). Our six elementary schools and two middle schools each have one school-based therapist, Westlake has two full-time school-based therapists, and The Learning Center (TLC) has a part-time school based therapist. Generally, school-based therapists provide targeted services to individual students or small groups based on identified needs. They are not involved in making or changing schedules, course selection, or college and career advising. Services may include:

  • Individual counseling*
  • Check-In/Check-Out
  • Small group counseling
  • Crisis support
  • Targeted classroom lesson at teacher’s request
  • Parent workshops
  • Referrals to outside agencies

*In the school setting, individual counseling, whether with a school-based therapist or school counselor, is goal directed and time-limited in nature (for example, 6-8 sessions). Follow up may include regular check-ins with the student, and in some cases students may be invited to participate in small group counseling to supplement the work done individually. Additionally, referrals for outside counseling services may be provided.


Director of Counseling, Homeless & Foster Care Liaison, Title IX Coordinator
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