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Eanes ISD

6th-8th Grade Accelerated Academics

Whole Grade Level Acceleration By EXAM

Students in 6th - 8th grade are eligible for whole-grade acceleration. Students must take CBEs in Social Studies, Science, Reading, and Math and score a minimum of 90% on all four exams. Credit-by-Exam (CBE) for acceleration is offered (and paid for) quarterly by Eanes ISD; only students enrolled in EISD for the previous school year are eligible to register. The passing score for CBE for acceleration is 90%. Students scoring below this standard are allowed to retest one time by registering and paying independently. Scores must be received by the first day of school. Eligibility for a specific CBE subject may depend on grade level and/or on completion of prerequisite courses. [EHDC (Legal) and (Local); EIC (Legal) and (Local); District of Innovation Plan; Student Handbook]

Dates of Exams: 1st week in June and 3rd Week in July; new-to-Eanes students must register for exams on their own.
Registration: K-8 Whole Grade Level Acceleration (Completed by Family) 
Testing Information/Logistics: An Email will be sent to the student’s parent/guardian 2 weeks before the date of the assessments. 
Results: Will be reported to the campus and if class changes are needed it will be done at the campus level.

Single Subject Acceleration